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Local News


Covid Level Update

Hawke's Bay Level 2

Hawkes Bay is in Level 2 from 6am Sunday 28th February to 6am Sunday 7th March

People can socialise in groups of up to 100, go shopping, or travel domestically, if following public health guidance.

• Businesses can open to the public if following public health guidance including physical distancing and record keeping. Alternative ways of working encouraged where possible.

• Hospitality businesses must keep groups of customers separated, seated, and served by a single person. Maximum of 100 people at a time.

• Sport and recreation activities are allowed, subject to conditions on gatherings, record keeping, and – where practical – physical distancing.

• Public venues such as museums, libraries and pools can open if they comply with public health measures and ensure 1 metre physical distancing and record keeping.

• Event facilities, including cinemas, stadiums, concert venues and casinos can have more than 100 people at a time, provided that there are no more than 100 in a defined space, and the groups do not mix.

• It is safe to send children to schools, early learning services and tertiary education.

• Face coverings required for most on public transport and aircraft (but not inter-island ferries).